As the years went by, the better the beer we consumed, the more we were consumed by it. We tried every beer imaginable. We read about beer. We talked about beer. We began making our own beer. And finally we started talking and dreaming about opening a brewery on the North Fork of Long Island. In April 2009 we replaced the roof, installed windows and dug drains fixing up an old Fire House and making it our brew house. This is were the idea of making Greenport Harbor beer began. Four months later in July of 2009 we were officially shipping (hand truck and family cars) our beer. Today our beer is served in over 200 places on Long Island and NYC. We’re proud to say that since summer of 2009 we have been singled out for nearly every beer we have brewed from the Village Voice to the Tasting Table to TimeOut NY to Newsday to NY Examiner to Wall Street Journal and to countless beer and food blogs.